Project name: N21 Reens HD15 - Site ID N21LK 021-0 Safety Works
Location of Works: Right turn lane at the junction of the N21/R523 at Rathkeale
Name of Client: Mid-West National Road Design Office, Limerick County Council
MacRoads provided a full scope of services, ranging from a large quantity of removal & renewal of the existing lanes markings, hatching, letters and symbols and road stud installations using extrusion and hand work in varying weather conditions in order to install a back-to-back right turn lane at the N21/R523 junction. The markings were specified as per TII Specification for Road Works Series 1200 in conjunction with the Chapter 7 of the traffic signs manual. In order to ensure the maximum output of work and minimise traffic disruption to vehicular traffic MacRoads undertook the works in accordance with the clients and other affected stakeholders (Gardaí, emergency services, etc) approval. MacRoads undertook the design and implementation of Temporary Traffic Management Plans for various speed limits throughout the length of the project. To assist in facilitating this MacRoads developed a phased traffic management plan requiring sequencing of the works during daytime and night time shifts in a rural location that included high traffic volumes (involving a full range of speed limits) and implementing temporary reduced speed limits, temporary lane closures and reducing the existing lane widths. MacRoads were able to carry out the work with very little impact to road users. There was a very tight timescale for the project and the works were completed on time and below budget. MacRoads ensured that all necessary PSCS, Health, Safety and Welfare and traffic control and management was approved and in place for the successful completion of the project.